Friday, February 24, 2012

Studies show consistent improvement, if

Your immune system is to keep your body safe from injury and invasion. It is on duty all the time. This is a complex operating system at all levels from the molecular to the system, always from birth to support your body.emphysema caused by smoking In autoimmune disease, something goes wrong, and the immune system begins to attack parts of you. In multiple sclerosis, your nerve sheath, or myelin, is attacked. In psoriasis, your skin is attacked, and in more severe cases, joints as well. In lupus, your internal organs are attacked. Terribly disappointing to you, and doctors should prescribe drugs with known harmful side effects that help control the symptoms by interfering with your immune system. Why do you think you have opened a psychology web site and found an article on autoimmune disease? Because there is a close link between the immune system and nervous system. (Solomon) Both have a memory like lasix generic side effects reacting to stress, and both are using peptides as transmitters of information. When the nervous system "in nespravnomu state" what is commonly labeled "the result of mental illness. If the nervous system is overactive, anxiety can result. If it is reduced, the result can be depression. As part of the reason is not working properly, people often feel terrible process called psychosis, where reality is not what they seem. number of problems in adapting to life as a result of psychological or physiological problems in the nervous system. Similarly, when the immune system is off, you are diagnosed with somatic disease. immune system may have failed to stop the internal wear as heart disease, or perhaps could not kill the embryo, like pneumonia. Or, the immune system may be erroneous. Allergies represent a false attempt of the immune system to kill invaders, who were harmless. pollen, cat hair, mold spores if the immune system is overactive, autoimmune disorder results, the destruction of all useful process previously healthy parts of the body, as we have seen in lupus. By and large, any more-reactive immune response that leads to part of your body exposed to attack can be thrown under the heading "autoimmune disorder". In this discussion we will include diabetes, lupus, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and others. There is also the assumption of schizophrenia (Solomon) and chronic fatigue in the spectrum of autoimmune problems. Thus, the psychologist writes about autoimmune disorders, as it turns out that not only the nervous system and immune system is similar in style and function, but also how to work mainly on a system of information molecules to receptors in the body. When you feel butterflies in the stomach, receptors in your gut actually respond to the same signals as the brain, telling you what fear is. There is evidence that genetically transmitted insulin diabetes may remain in a latent state in some, but to be caused by stress, others with the same gene (Lehman, and. Etc.). In connection with .. effects associated with stress chemicals in the pancreas of the nervous system and immune system are closely intertwined to think about it differently, there is no real division between mind / brain and body - think of yourself as your "body-mind" (Perth). Presumably, your immune system can not change everything you know in the psychologist's office no more than it changes in medical care, but studies have shown that the use of different types of images and relaxing exercise can actually improve the function of certain parts of the immune system. resistance to disease may go up, reactions to allergens can go down, and autoimmune attack can be stopped using relaxation and specific images designed to reprogram the immune system. Studies show consistent improvement, if not dismissal in MS, Irritable Bowel Crohn's, psoriasis and other autoimmune diseases (cite). overactive immune system can soothe with pictures as an overactive nervous system can. In addition, in the process of psychotherapy can help you learn how your reaction to stress enhances immune disorder. There is more good news. Clinical hypnosis and mental images have no side effects, such as caused by drugs. At the Center for Conscious life, clinical psychologists can help you learn relaxation, imagery, and self-hypnosis techniques designed to help you balance your immune system and develop control over many health problems. Clients on

Center went into remission from allergies, irritable bowel, GERD (esophageal reflux disorder hastroezofahealnoy) and Crohn's disease and showed significant improvements in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Dr. Lowe also worked with arthritis and psoriasis suffers, which showed improvement. Such problems as they have no real treatment, but often improvement and remission can be obtained through .. surprisingly simple approach Lehman, CD, Rodin, J., Mak'yuen, B., and Brintona, R. (1991) the impact of environmental stress on the expression of insulin-dependent diabetes behavioral neurology. 105

241-245 Perth, CB (1990) Wisdom receptors .. neuropeptides, emotions and body-mind as amended. R. and S. Ornstein Swencionis:

Healing Brain: Scientific reading. pp. 147-158 New York. Guildford Solomon GF (1990) emotions, stress and immunity in the editor .. R. and S. Ornstein Swencionis:

Healing Brain: Scientific read from. 174-181, New York .. Guildford

An important change in leadership is considered ...

Statistics, and they significantly Arent. CMA (Canadian Medical Association) has updated its guidelines to help doctors deal with osteoporosis and severe outline some changes in focus in this and the next post. Today, the prevalence of osteoporosis in men. Statistics says one in eight men aged 50 years has the disease. Doctors and other medical staff know numbers, but apparently the public does not. There still seems to be common train of thought that osteoporosis is a disease of the bones that only grandmothers get, not men. Well, yes, the figures for women older than 50 years earlier, about one out of four and the number of men can not be ignored. The main red flag for men of any unexpected damage. If you happen to fall on the continued growth, that you are not built on a chair, stool or ladder, then nothing should break. Its that simple. Its not that its impossible to break, to take place, but it is unlikely that healthy bone lasix 40 mg will break at that level voltage. So if there is destruction, new guidelines suggest your doctor should check osteoporosis. It should not be released to the patient and health worker, but simply an accident. I found the guidelines that the cost of treating fractures in Canada is estimated to add nearly $ 2 billion in health care. Many people with osteoporosis, especially if they are relatively young (think 60), will have multiple fractures before find that they have the disease. An important change in leadership is believed these low trauma fractures are fragility height as the main risk factors in themselves and worthy of further research request for osteoporosis diagnosis is appropriate. Currently, according to Suzanne Morin who was one of the authors of the new leadership, only 20% of women and 10% of men who suffer a significant fragility fracture access to assessment and treatment of osteoporosis. Recommendations to improve on these figures, initiate earlier treatment strategies and to prevent further fractures. So there you are. In the next article Ill look at the types of fragility fractures to help doctors making and management of osteoporosis criteria. .

However, perrin said, sod1 g93a mice used

Lock key molecular path that the body uses to enhance the immune response was found to delay onset and prolong survival of mice with a disease that mimics human, say scientists supported MDA

in Cambridge, Mass. ALS TDI Researchers say they have discovered that the immune system way in the end they were locked in overactive SOD1 mice (mice with the familial form of BAS through the SOD1 gene mutation) and was also hyperactive in 56 percent (35 of 63) of blood samples taken from people with ALS, most of whom have no family ALS. "This is a relationship between mouse and human data have played an important role in addressing the Institute to continue development of this molecule as a potential treatment of bass," said Steve Perrin, General Director of the Institute, Senior Scientist, who coordinated the study. This discovery opens up new and promising directions for the treatment of BAS, expanding understanding of the mechanisms of this disease, and ALS TDI checks methods designed to identify these mechanisms and treatments that aim them. About ALS mechanisms About 1 to 3 percent of BAS caused by any of a large number of mutations in the chromosome-21, known as gene SOD1. Mice with a mutation of the SOD1 G93A is called a general model for the study of human disease and were used in experiments, ALS TDI. In mice used lasix without a prescription in experiments was rapidly progressive, severe ALS-like disease. There is increasing evidence that the failure of the immune system, at least part of the disease ALS. ALS TDI and other researchers found abnormal immune system activity in animal models of disease, and ALS TDI researchers have observed it in ALS patients blood samples. On new results supported MDA ALS TDI group published their findings online March 28, 2010 in Nature Genetics. The team used a strategy called "full analysis transkriptoma" which involves looking at the activity levels of all genes in the body during illness or other specific conditions. Finding that certain genes related to immune response was abnormally active in the SOD1 G93A mouse studies, scientists have conducted more research and decided to try to block the interaction of two molecules involved in the immune response: CD40 and CD40 ligand. When the body mounts immune response to protein, it considers threatening - "antigen" - specialized antigen-presenting cells display antigen immune T cells. When they do, antigen-presenting cell docking sites ("receptors") type known as CD40, dealing respectively with fittings - CD40 ligand - on the surface of T cells. These two parts - CD40 receptor and CD40 ligand - fit together like a key to lock, signaling that the immune system is a full-scale attack is necessary. Blocking this interaction was found to be useful in animal models of transplantation of tissues, where the purpose is to make animals suffer another animal cells and in animal models of autoimmune disease in which the goal is to make animals suffer for its own cells, which he mistakenly attacks. ALS TDI researchers decided to use the blocking protein (antibody) to CD40 ligand and CD40 terminate participation CD40 receptor ligand. These antibodies have dubbed ALSTDI-00846. They treated 44 mice with antibody, and 45 were "empty" injection for comparison. Compared with the control group, the mice lost weight much slower pace. In addition, anti-CD40 ligand treatment with a significant delay in the beginning of paralysis (eight days) compared with the beginning of the paralysis in the control group. And, antibodies of mice receiving survived an average of nine days longer than untreated animals were also significant. For comparison, ALS TDI researchers found that ALS mice are given riluzola (only for the treatment of BAS approved the facts of the immune system Food and Drug Administration) survive only an average of three days longer than untreated mice. Unfortunately, when researchers tried to start treatment CD40 ligand antibody in day 80, after the appearance of overt symptoms of ALS in mice, they saw no therapeutic effect on the onset or progression and no extension of survival. The need for treatment in early disease process, preferably before symptoms appear, can be problematic for people, because most of ALS is not diagnosed until the disease is already developing for some time. However, Perrin said, SOD1 G93A mice used in these experiments is very difficult, quickly progressing form of the disease, and it is not clear that such early treatment is absolutely necessary, most people with this disease. Role of MDA MDA, with its promise Quest Ogi, began to support ALS TDI in 2007, making $ 18 million grant from the Institute for 2007-2009 and awarded an additional $ 2. 5000000 in 2010. ALS patient blood samples used in these experiments were collected in several MDA / ALS centers. Values ​​for people with ALS This study adds to the already ample evidence that part of the immune system behave correctly in ALS. Research continues to show that blocking the interaction between the immune system molecules can significantly slow down the disease ALS, at least in mice. In addition, initial action of the immune system is out of the spinal cord and brain (CNS) and, therefore, can get medical treatment without violating the central nervous system barriers. Therapies that require a central nervous system is much more difficult in the development and administration. Ligand CD40 antibodies can be developed for use in human ALS, say researchers, and this may be one of many possible strategies to modulate the immune system. These antibodies are being studied for their potential to treat various diseases in which the hyperactive immune system plays an important role, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. "Human blood work we have done can be used to identify groups of patients for clinical trials that would be likely to respond to CD40 ligand antibodies," said Perrin. "Now we have a set of potential biological markers of disease that can be used by the pharmaceutical industry partners to advance research quickly."

Causes of autoimmune disease is not clear.

Autoimunnist is a condition where the owner or mistakenly recognizes as foreign cells. (The word "car" is the Greek word for themselves). Because of this false recognition, the immune system responds to many components. There are a number of autoimmune diseases (also called autoimmune diseases). Autoimmune be very specific, with each other. Three examples of Crohn's disease (where the gastrointestinal tract is the goal), multiple sclerosis (when tissue >> << are targeted), and

I type (where insulin-producing cells of the pancreas is the goal) . Other autoimmune disorders are more common and are associated with multiple sites in the body. One example is rheumatoid.

shingles and immune system
Each autoimmune disease is rare. However, when all violations are counted together, be autoimmune disease that affects millions of people in the United States. Causes of autoimmune disease is not clear. However, there are signs that some violations, or at least the potential for disease may be genetically transmitted from one generation to another. Psoriasis is one such example. Environmental influences. How the immune system reacts to environmental factors and infections (eg, caused by some virus) may trigger the development of disorders. Other factors are less clear, include aging, physiological changes during pregnancy, and lasix 12.5mg chronic. .

If these drugs

Medical industry

Rhetoric medical industry claims that the

and ultimately caused by smoking lasix drug interactions. In this part of their right. Next >> << say that if you take a very expensive prescribed drugs

it will slow down the disease. Then they say

pharmaceutical companies that developed these very expensive, patented drugs


clinical trials and proven drugs worked. If these drugs

pharmaceutical companies spent hundreds of

million for the development does not work, you think

they would say something? I do not know, but you can >> << I believe that you like. Next >> << when you ask why emphysema worsens in the absence of >> << smoking, they say, do not know. It is a mystery. I

, I believe that many great doctors out there whose hand

connects medical protocols agreed

AMA and the pharmaceutical industry. If good doctors

step outside these medical protocols and treatment

developing programs that actually cure the disease they first received a reprimand >> << with local or state medical board. A few reprimands

leads to loss of their license to practice medicine. Think

about it. The pharmaceutical industry has no drugs

that treatment of any disease. They manage the disease means

, you take medication for the rest of your life, and they get

rich. If you do not believe me, look at their quarterly profits >> << once. They are usually in the hundreds of billions of dollars

without treatment of one disease! .

Both osteomalacia and osteoporosis may be ...

Our skeleton is the foundation of our body. Our bones support our muscles. Without these bones, we all look

vegetables - not built, and force structure. We must always take care of our bones to avoid diseases such as osteomalacia and osteoporosis. These two bone diseases, osteoporosis more often because we often hear this word in questions and milk advertising. However, the term osteomalacia is quite new for us. Here are details about the differences between the two so we

better understand what makes Osteoporosis differs from osteomalacia. To determine osteoporosis bone degeneration. This usually happens when we age, our bone breaks more >> << we expected. Osteomalacia is an abnormal accumulation of bones, making it extremely tender. For osteoporosis, our bones become brittle, but also osteomalacia, with bones become soft.complement system innate immunity Usually we have a concept that osteoporosis in the absence, but it is osteomalacia, which results in deficiency of calcium. Osteoporosis may also depend on the lack of calcium, but the >> << is to reduce the mass of bones. When a person suffers from osteoporosis, bones become empty, so it easily breaks. Women are prone to osteoporosis because of menopause lack oestogen (hormone for the development of sexual characteristics). Both osteomalacia and osteoporosis can be diagnosed in recent years because the symptoms are not evident early on. If a person suffers from

in the bones, it is a sign that he or she may have ostoeporiosis or osteomalacia. Treatment of osteoporosis more on drugs, but no prevention of this disease. Drugs only help slow down the degeneration process. Osteomalacia can treat food

rich in vitamin D lasix drug heart and additional dose of sunlight. Exercise and proper nutrients and sufficient rest, all preventive measures for the treatment of osteoporosis and osteomalacia. If we want healthy bones, it is best to take care of our bodies now, before they degenerate and weaken as we age. .

In addition, the infection usually bull [

We describe here a rare case of idiopathic bullous emphysema / Endangered lung syndrome (VLS) in 33-year-old patient with a history of abuse of marijuana, which is in the hospital with chest pain is due to pneumothorax based on chest radiograph. This case highlights the need for computer tomography of the chest in relatively stable patients with suspected VLS, to reduce the potential risk control bronhoplevralnyy fistula. A. Case Presentation

Our patient 33-year old man who was adopted with complaints of shortness of breath. The patient denied fever, trauma. He was initially hypoxic and required 3liters oxygen. Patients history was positive for smoking, 1pack a day lasix 12 mg for the past 15 years, the abuse of marijuana and off the last 10 years, he worked as a laborer. First, laboratory tests, including complete blood count with differential complete metabolic profile, cardiac enzymes, brain natriuretic peptide and ECG were within normal limits. Initial analysis of arterial blood gas on three liters of oxygen showed ph 7. 47, PO2 150 and pCO2 38. Chest X-ray showed a large bullous lesions made on both sides of concern right pneumothorax (Fig.

). Chest tube was placed, but the CXR remained unchanged. Chest X-ray showed a large bullous lesions mistaken as pneumothorax (Fig.

). CT of the chest showed a diagnosis of giant bullous emphysema (GBE) (Fig.

s). Urine toxicology was negative. Since alpha-1 antitrypsin negative study, it was concluded if the disappearance of light syndrome (VLS) / Idiopathic giant bullous emphysema with known traditional risk factors of tobacco and marijuana abuse. The patient was discharged after three days of indoor air with a plan of complete pulmonary function and out-patient pulmonary rehabilitation with the possibility of bullectomy. 2. Discussion

separate clinical syndrome, giant bullous emphysema or VLS, the main bullosa lung disease, or type I bullosa disease is defined as the great bull is at least one third of half a bunch of cells [

]. Risk factors include smoking, alpha-1 antitrypsin and marijuana abuse [

]. Smoking marijuana leads to asymmetric bullosa disease, often in a normal chest X-ray and lung. Patients who smoke marijuana, these pathological changes occur at a younger age (about 20years earlier) than in smokers of tobacco [

]. Radiographic criteria for the disappearance of light syndrome as defined by Roberts and colleagues [

] include presence of giant bullae in one or both upper lobes, occupying at least one third of half a bunch of cells and compression of surrounding normal parenchyma of the lungs [

]. The main complication is pneumothorax VLS, which classically includes a history of acute deterioration in respiratory function associated with chest pain. In addition, the infection usually bull [

]. High resolution computed tomography (KTVRZ) is used for preoperative evaluation and shows the extent and distribution bullosa diseases to pinpoint the possible cause of symptoms. KTVRZ also to evaluate the associated diseases, such as infected cysts, bronchiectasis, pulmonary artery enlargement and pneumothorax [

]. Identification of preoperative bull allows the prediction of expected increase in postoperative FEV1. Bullectomy causes significant improvement in dyspnea, gas exchange, pulmonary function and exercise tolerance, with the best results are obtained in more significant cases of VLS. On average, the improvement persists for approximately 3 to 4 years, but began to decline after [

]. Giant bullectomy shown to produce significant functional improvement immediately. This guide is reduced over time, but kept at least 3 years. This is based on the following from 43patients with giant bullous emphysema observed in the average length of 4. 5 years [

]. There was significant improvement in all three dimensions FVC, FEV and dyspnea classification in the early postoperative period, but 510 years only FVC improvement was significant [

]. 3. Conclusion

Endangered lung syndrome is a rare disease that is clinically manifested in a much more advanced stage. Patients should be strongly advised against any further tobacco and marijuana abuse. These patients should be referred to the pulmonary and cardio-surgery, to outline the next operation at the right time. .

A necessary condition for thermodynamic ...

3 ad anabolic xtreme

Key problem for understanding the origin of life to explain the mechanism (s) that led to the spontaneous assembly of molecular building blocks that eventually led to the emergence of macromolecular structures, as they are called in modern biochemistry today. A necessary condition for thermodynamic this initial anabolic is the mechanistic connection with the processes that come free energy required. Here I consider the different sources of free energy and discuss the possibilities of each species involved in the first anabolic reactions that are fundamental to increase molecular complexity and, therefore lasix furosemide side effects, are essential for life. .