Statistics, and they significantly Arent. CMA (Canadian Medical Association) has updated its guidelines to help doctors deal with osteoporosis and severe outline some changes in focus in this and the next post. Today, the prevalence of osteoporosis in men. Statistics says one in eight men aged 50 years has the disease. Doctors and other medical staff know numbers, but apparently the public does not. There still seems to be common train of thought that osteoporosis is a disease of the bones that only grandmothers get, not men. Well, yes, the figures for women older than 50 years earlier, about one out of four and the number of men can not be ignored. The main red flag for men of any unexpected damage. If you happen to fall on the continued growth, that you are not built on a chair, stool or ladder, then nothing should break. Its that simple. Its not that its impossible to break, to take place, but it is unlikely that healthy bone lasix 40 mg will break at that level voltage. So if there is destruction, new guidelines suggest your doctor should check osteoporosis. It should not be released to the patient and health worker, but simply an accident. I found the guidelines that the cost of treating fractures in Canada is estimated to add nearly $ 2 billion in health care. Many people with osteoporosis, especially if they are relatively young (think 60), will have multiple fractures before find that they have the disease. An important change in leadership is believed these low trauma fractures are fragility height as the main risk factors in themselves and worthy of further research request for osteoporosis diagnosis is appropriate. Currently, according to Suzanne Morin who was one of the authors of the new leadership, only 20% of women and 10% of men who suffer a significant fragility fracture access to assessment and treatment of osteoporosis. Recommendations to improve on these figures, initiate earlier treatment strategies and to prevent further fractures. So there you are. In the next article Ill look at the types of fragility fractures to help doctors making and management of osteoporosis criteria. .
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