Our skeleton is the foundation of our body. Our bones support our muscles. Without these bones, we all look
vegetables - not built, and force structure. We must always take care of our bones to avoid diseases such as osteomalacia and osteoporosis. These two bone diseases, osteoporosis more often because we often hear this word in questions and milk advertising. However, the term osteomalacia is quite new for us. Here are details about the differences between the two so we
better understand what makes Osteoporosis differs from osteomalacia. To determine osteoporosis bone degeneration. This usually happens when we age, our bone breaks more >> << we expected. Osteomalacia is an abnormal accumulation of bones, making it extremely tender. For osteoporosis, our bones become brittle, but also osteomalacia, with bones become soft. Usually we have a concept that osteoporosis in the absence, but it is osteomalacia, which results in deficiency of calcium. Osteoporosis may also depend on the lack of calcium, but the >> << is to reduce the mass of bones. When a person suffers from osteoporosis, bones become empty, so it easily breaks. Women are prone to osteoporosis because of menopause lack oestogen (hormone for the development of sexual characteristics). Both osteomalacia and osteoporosis can be diagnosed in recent years because the symptoms are not evident early on. If a person suffers from
in the bones, it is a sign that he or she may have ostoeporiosis or osteomalacia. Treatment of osteoporosis more on drugs, but no prevention of this disease. Drugs only help slow down the degeneration process. Osteomalacia can treat food
rich in vitamin D lasix drug heart and additional dose of sunlight. Exercise and proper nutrients and sufficient rest, all preventive measures for the treatment of osteoporosis and osteomalacia. If we want healthy bones, it is best to take care of our bodies now, before they degenerate and weaken as we age. .
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